Nama pasar : Pasar Butta Salewangan Maros Alamat. : Unnamed Road, Pettuadae, Kec. Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan 90516 Data kunjungan : "Daftar harga dairy produk di pasar Butta Salewangan Maros " NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1 Sagu 1 Kg 20.000 2 Ayam 1 Kg 23.000 3 Udang 500 g 13.000 4 Daging Kambing 1 Kg 30.000 5 Kopi 1 Kg 15.000 6 Tahu 1 Kg 10.000 7 Tempe 1 Bks 5.000 8 Terigu 1 Kg 8.000 9 Sirup Marjan 1 Botol 13.000 10 Saos Sambal 1 Botol 7.000 11 Tauge 1 Kg 10.000 12 Merica 1 Bks 5.000 13 Kunyit Bubuk 300 g 9.000 14 Telur 1 Rak 42.000 15 Bihun 1 BKs 13.000 16 Mie Besar 1 Bks 15.000 17 Royko 1 Kg 11.000 18 Daun Pisang 1 Kg 7.000 1...
Hello guys, back again I will tell my daily life in the kitchen and this time practice has entered the second week of practice, and today we enter at 8 and one-line directly then we are absent one by one and go straight into the kitchen and back One-line neatly in one session then Superfisor divided us into four groups and I got a dissertation group.
And shortly afterwards Mr. Ical came to explain how to make it, then we immediately prepared the ingredients needed and the first one I prepared was doko-doko cangkuning and then I immediately took the coconut out of the freezer and waited until the coconut was soft and while waiting for the soft mushy I took the brown sugar in bralredients and then I cut it into pieces - then added a little water and then cooked until the sugar melted.
After the sugar is melted, put the soft coconut into brown sugar and stir until blended, then add a little flour to tune, then I help the friend to make the dough outside the doko - doko cangkuning then the mixture is made wrapped in a triangular banana leaf then steamed for 20 minutes, then Mr. Ical told me to cook chicken for use tomorrow as the basis for poultry cutting.
After all finished we direct the gc then pak Ical told us one-line in front of the kitchen and give a little direction before returning home.
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