Nama pasar : Pasar Butta Salewangan Maros Alamat. : Unnamed Road, Pettuadae, Kec. Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan 90516 Data kunjungan : "Daftar harga dairy produk di pasar Butta Salewangan Maros " NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1 Sagu 1 Kg 20.000 2 Ayam 1 Kg 23.000 3 Udang 500 g 13.000 4 Daging Kambing 1 Kg 30.000 5 Kopi 1 Kg 15.000 6 Tahu 1 Kg 10.000 7 Tempe 1 Bks 5.000 8 Terigu 1 Kg 8.000 9 Sirup Marjan 1 Botol 13.000 10 Saos Sambal 1 Botol 7.000 11 Tauge 1 Kg 10.000 12 Merica 1 Bks 5.000 13 Kunyit Bubuk 300 g 9.000 14 Telur 1 Rak 42.000 15 Bihun 1 BKs 13.000 16 Mie Besar 1 Bks 15.000 17 Royko 1 Kg 11.000 18 Daun Pisang 1 Kg 7.000 1...
Hello guys, today I have to be in the kitchen before 7 because today it is my turn to incharge semester 1 B and I incharge with darma and aulia then when I get to the kitchen I immediately ask for semester 1 for one-line then darma absorbs them one by one while I and Aulia checked their equipment after that I entered the Kold Kitchen to tidy up their one-line then we introduced ourselves one by one.
Then our supervisors gave them 5 minutes to read their small book and then gathered in front of the chemist who did not know 1 garlic was given, and after reviw I told them to continue the basic cutting vegetable after that I called pak ical to show the basic cutting poultry then Pak Ical asked them to divide into 2 groups then the first group was given a break for 1 hour while group 2 immediately did.
And after group 2 finished doing group 1 and group 2 resting, after finishing Pak Ical asked for the pieces to be separated - separated according to the pieces then put into the freezer, after that I asked everyone to go back one-line to share the section gc (general cleaning) then we are waiting for directions from Pak Jaya then we go home.
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