Nama pasar : Pasar Butta Salewangan Maros Alamat. : Unnamed Road, Pettuadae, Kec. Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan 90516 Data kunjungan : "Daftar harga dairy produk di pasar Butta Salewangan Maros " NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1 Sagu 1 Kg 20.000 2 Ayam 1 Kg 23.000 3 Udang 500 g 13.000 4 Daging Kambing 1 Kg 30.000 5 Kopi 1 Kg 15.000 6 Tahu 1 Kg 10.000 7 Tempe 1 Bks 5.000 8 Terigu 1 Kg 8.000 9 Sirup Marjan 1 Botol 13.000 10 Saos Sambal 1 Botol 7.000 11 Tauge 1 Kg 10.000 12 Merica 1 Bks 5.000 13 Kunyit Bubuk 300 g 9.000 14 Telur 1 Rak 42.000 15 Bihun 1 BKs 13.000 16 Mie Besar 1 Bks 15.000 17 Royko 1 Kg 11.000 18 Daun Pisang 1 Kg 7.000 1...
Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Hello guys ...
Welcome back to my blog, still like the previous days guys this time I will share my activities during today's practice. Don't get bored reading my blog ...
Today I came to campus at 7:10 and when I arrived at the kitchen there was already Pak Ical and we were told to do it before doing but we can't just mop the floor and be lable working on laps because there are lots of flies and sir I don't like us working in a dirty state, all must be clean here we were taught to avoid disease so we had to be clean and work regularly, and after we got it we were told by one-line and then Mr. came and absorbed us then explained the menu again ala carte ll.
Then one person is pointed forward to read the prayer before we do, then we go directly to our respective sections and immediately take care of our salesman and the freezer then we immediately do and restaurant today open at 12:00 so we have to finish before the open restaurant and we have to pleating each menu and then show it to the ical and there are a number of menus that are rejected, so we reapply until the receipt is received, and if the dzuhur prayer time is the one who goes to prayer and the non-Muslim is given rest until the cowo returned from prayer, and after the cowo returned to the girl again who went to prayer.
And after we returned from prayer we immediately prepared the less material for tomorrow and then we went straight and there were also my friends who made the nation's children and then all had a short break for the Asr prayer (for those who carried it out) and after we returned we ate before continued GC, and after GC finished we took a break outside while waiting for directions from Mr. Eical, and not long after that Iical asked us for a one-line in front of the kitchen and divided us into 4 groups and we were given assignments and this task must be completed before final, and Pakical asked the class leader to read the prayer and then we went back to our homes.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
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