Nama pasar : Pasar Butta Salewangan Maros Alamat. : Unnamed Road, Pettuadae, Kec. Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan 90516 Data kunjungan : "Daftar harga dairy produk di pasar Butta Salewangan Maros " NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1 Sagu 1 Kg 20.000 2 Ayam 1 Kg 23.000 3 Udang 500 g 13.000 4 Daging Kambing 1 Kg 30.000 5 Kopi 1 Kg 15.000 6 Tahu 1 Kg 10.000 7 Tempe 1 Bks 5.000 8 Terigu 1 Kg 8.000 9 Sirup Marjan 1 Botol 13.000 10 Saos Sambal 1 Botol 7.000 11 Tauge 1 Kg 10.000 12 Merica 1 Bks 5.000 13 Kunyit Bubuk 300 g 9.000 14 Telur 1 Rak 42.000 15 Bihun 1 BKs 13.000 16 Mie Besar 1 Bks 15.000 17 Royko 1 Kg 11.000 18 Daun Pisang 1 Kg 7.000 1...
Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Hello guys ... welcome back in my blog, still like the previous days guys this time I will share my activities during today's practice. Don't get bored reading my blog ...
And today we entered the kitchen at 6:30 so I left for campus at 6:15 and when I arrived at the kitchen I immediately completed the grooming and shortly afterwards our supervisor asked us for one-line and asked about preparing us today unlike yesterday because this is the last day we practice so all the preparation must be spent and there are some menus that are sold out because the ingredients are gone and there are also a few leftover ingredients so we remove what is there and after that we are immediately told to do and I immediately take a jelly fruit salad and cut the dice then I keep it again at the cheller because it is still long to pleating and then I go to the pastry to help my friend make a bath.
And then I made a katiri bath and after that I went back to the cold kitchen to help my friend because my group this week handled Appetizer and at 11:00 we were pleating as interesting as possible and had to be different from yesterday and had to be better than yesterday and pleating is not as easy as we think we have to have a good imagination so that our plearing is good and can be received by guests, and after 12:00 all food must be ready because it will open the restaurant, and like yesterday we took a short break for the last midday prayer returned and directly pleating the jelly fruit salad and if there was an order I immediately brought it to Abuyer.
And after the restaurant close we immediately cleared up our preparations and started the GC and we immediately went to the task to start GC and because today Mr. Iical did not come so we had to clean the kitchen as clean as possible so Mr. Iical was not disappointed and we rested again for the Azhar prayer then we returned continue the GC until it is finished and after GC we take a break while waiting for Pak Jaya to tell us to be one-line and while we wait for Pak Jaya we talk about our practice today and joke and not long after Pak Jaya comes out and tells us to one- line and give a little direction for us then we go home to each other, and come here first, guys, my story to see you again in the next week of my practice ...
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.
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