Nama pasar : Pasar Butta Salewangan Maros Alamat. : Unnamed Road, Pettuadae, Kec. Turikale, Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan 90516 Data kunjungan : "Daftar harga dairy produk di pasar Butta Salewangan Maros " NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 1 Sagu 1 Kg 20.000 2 Ayam 1 Kg 23.000 3 Udang 500 g 13.000 4 Daging Kambing 1 Kg 30.000 5 Kopi 1 Kg 15.000 6 Tahu 1 Kg 10.000 7 Tempe 1 Bks 5.000 8 Terigu 1 Kg 8.000 9 Sirup Marjan 1 Botol 13.000 10 Saos Sambal 1 Botol 7.000 11 Tauge 1 Kg 10.000 12 Merica 1 Bks 5.000 13 Kunyit Bubuk 300 g 9.000 14 Telur 1 Rak 42.000 15 Bihun 1 BKs 13.000 16 Mie Besar 1 Bks 15.000 17 Royko 1 Kg 11.000 18 Daun Pisang 1 Kg 7.000 1...
Assalamualaikum, back again on my blog.
Today I will tell about this one week in the kitchen,
usually we write the daily per day in practice week but this time we are given
relief to reach 1 daily because we just returned from training and there are
still some of our friends who are still doing street vendors .
And the first day we entered we only talked to our friends
telling about our street vendors temporarily "and after that we were
called by Pak ical to come to his new Warkop to eat and we were treated to
class 1 by the boss boss, bdw thanks sir hehehe
And the next day our material is fast food and before that
we were divided into 3 groups. And my group got Korean menu.
Initially our Korean menu is Salary Mari, seolleongtang,
ojinegeo gui, bibimbap, and Nanaimo bars. Then changed by chef Dino, let's get
a fried skewer. After chef dino explained we prepared Korean menus.
I also prepare to make fish ball, fish cake, prawn ball, and
squid cake. For fried skewer.
First the fish, prawn, and squid are blended. Then crush the
garlic to mix it in the mixture. Besides garlic I also added salt, pepper,
sugar, water, and sago flour. After everything is mixed then fried. After
frying directly skewered using skewers.
After completing we also GC.
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